想到又濕又冷的天氣,就不想出門,到了夏天,運動房雖會開冷氣,卻譹人覺得空氣好悶呼吸不順暢,想徹底達到健身健美的效果,就要試試台灣樂天的[美國直購 ShopUSA] 計步器 Omron HJ-720ITC Pocket Pedometer with Advanced (amazon 新品環保包) $1690這類運動器材帶來的好處不僅僅是身材更窈窕,而且能邊看電視邊跟家人聊天邊做運動,一舉數得,你一定要試試試~~

[美國直購 ShopUSA] 計步器 Omron HJ-720ITC Pocket Pedometer with Advanced (amazon 新品環保包) $1690

商品網址: http://buyforfun.biz/redirect.php?k=5528a32bace4048167296df30cd836f7&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=





Product Features

Product Packaging: Retail

??? * Measures steps, aerobic steps and minutes, calories and distance

??? * Separately displays aerobic steps and minutes walked more than 10 minutes continuously

??? * 7 day history lets you review a full week of exercise

??? * Features include large display, clock, detachable belt holder and security strap

??? * NOTE: The manual included with this item incorrectly states that the unit itself shuts down automatically each day - the settings do reset each day at midnight however the unit itself must be manually shut-down


商品訊息簡述: [美國直購 ShopUSA] 計步器 Omron HJ-720ITC Pocket Pedometer with Advanced (amazon 新品環保包) $1690

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